
The Benefits of Digital Signage for Convention Centers

Convention centers are usually large, crowded, and noisy but that’s part of the appeal. Because of their large size they are great venues for hosting large scale events such as tradeshows, concerts, exhibitions, and banquets.

Unfortunately, many convention centers can feel like one big maze and for that reasons it’s important to have digital signage solutions throughout the convention center to ensure that guests know where they are, where to go, and of course, what’s going on.

Convention Centers Need Digital Signage

Fortunately, nowadays convention centers are transforming into prime locations for digital signage, with many having already implemented some form of digital displays throughout their facilities, ranging from prominent LED signs outside to indoor displays in lobbies and meeting rooms.

Digital signage for convention centers encompasses electronic displays that convey critical information to visitors and staff. These displays can take various forms, including immersive video walls, wall-mounted touch screens, interactive kiosk displays, and A-frame digital signage.

Let us look at some of the many benefits these convention centers get from using digital signage for convention centers.

Benefits of Digital Signage for Convention Centers

Convention and conference center managers are constantly seeking strategies to boost attendance and improve the efficiency of their events. Digital signage is one such tactic that can accomplish both goals.

By strategically positioning digital screens throughout the center, attendees can access crucial information such as event schedules, facility maps, and exhibitor and keynote speaker listings, saving time and reducing confusion. This results in a more seamless and satisfying experience for attendees.

Here are more benefits:

1. Digital Signage Reduces Staff Workload

Convention centers can be complex and hectic commercial spaces that require more than just architectural signage to help attendees navigate.

Interactive wayfinding maps provide clear and precise directions within the conference center facility, reducing the strain on staff and helping attendees reach their destination. These directions can also be sent directly to the user's smartphone for ease of use.

With digital event signage like room boards and area directories, attendees can navigate the center without staff assistance, reducing labor costs and service disruptions.

Digital signage can also perform other staff-diverting services, such as an interactive directory that provides concierge advice and information about amenities, local attractions, and dining options. Attendees can access flight information and print their boarding passes, making digital signage a valuable resource for attendees and staff.

2. Digital Signage Makes Life Better for Attendees

As conference centers continue to expand and companies demand more return on investment from conferences, attendees face an increasing burden. Navigating the center's complex layout and managing schedules amidst changes and foot traffic can be challenging.

Digital signage can improve the conference experience by providing event-specific insights through large displays and video walls. A facility-wide digital signage system enhances the distribution of time-critical information, such as event start times, in an efficient and impressive manner.

Interactive signage can help attendees explore and learn more about the facility, access event-specific offers and promotions, and stay informed about entertainment and educational opportunities. Digital signage enhances the attendee experience and leaves a great impression.

3. Digital Signage Generates Revenue

With digital signage, planners can use their existing print signage budgets while also increasing opportunities for sponsorships. Digital signs are more dynamic and versatile than print signs, offering a wider range of visual options and much more ad space to sell.

This means that events can capture incremental revenue from sponsors who want to advertise their brand or products to attendees.

Convention centers house hundreds of guests. Many centers recognize how to leverage this, and digital signage has become a valuable tool for programming advertising and promotions to them. Properly implemented, digital signage advertising can significantly increase a facility's revenue in several ways:

Firstly, digital signage can support a range of media formats, including video, slideshows, live TV, and audio. As such, you will not only be limited to displaying pasted flyers on walls. You can sell advertising packages to use these more advanced media types.

Secondly, you can program your digital signage to display certain advertising at optimal times. This can include selling digital signage as part of an event hosting package, selling to key exhibitors during trade show exhibition times, promoting internal facilities for meal times during the event, or selling to local businesses such as restaurants to promote themselves to attendees leaving the facility at the end of the day.

Thirdly, you can easily update digital signage advertising and add new content, making it a flexible and adaptable advertising platform. You can even roll out multiple adverts at any time in a loop, and advertising can be made interactive.

Lastly, digital signage advertising is cheaper to deploy than traditional printed advertising, as it eliminates printing costs.

You can sell these features to local businesses who will pay handsomely for the advert space. You can also use a free service like Loop TV to earn rewards by displaying adverts on your digital signage.

4. Avoid the Headache of Last-Minute Content Creation and Modifications

Event planning professionals frequently encounter requests for new content and changes at the last minute. This requires them to act quickly to ensure their signage is up-to-date and synchronized with the event.

When dealing with these urgent changes, traditional methods of designing and printing signage are no longer practical. They are expensive and strenuous to implement. Digital signage provides a better solution by allowing planners to make immediate, system-wide updates to their signage.

With digital signage, planners have the flexibility and peace of mind of knowing that changes can be made in real time as needed.

5. Live Streaming Event Content

Convention centers are now using their digital screen networks to live-stream keynote speaker events, which is proving to be an effective strategy in boosting attendance.

This feature is also a hit among exhibitors, who can now engage with attendees throughout the venue. In large convention halls, attendees may watch the keynote from a more comfortable and quieter location with a better view rather than squeezing into a crowded conference room.

Apart from utilizing a venue's permanent signage options, temporary displays that are visually striking and interactive can be positioned strategically in the event space to reinforce event messaging and storytelling.

By networking these digital displays, content can be updated systematically and set to move across screens as a choreographed sequence of images and videos. This allows for more engaging and dynamic visual experiences to help brands stand out.

Examples of Successful Digital Signange Implementation With Proper Considerations

Here are a few examples of successful implementations of digital signage in convention centers:

  • McCormick Place Convention Center, Chicago: McCormick Place is one of the largest convention centers in the world, and they have a comprehensive digital signage system that helps attendees navigate the massive facility. Their system includes over 300 digital displays that show real-time event information, wayfinding maps, and interactive directories. They also have an app that attendees can use to view schedules, navigate the center, and even order food from vendors.

  • Las Vegas Convention Center: The Las Vegas Convention Center has a digital signage system that spans the entire facility and includes over 1,000 displays. Their system includes interactive directories, wayfinding maps, and real-time event information. They also use digital signage to promote sponsors and vendors, generating additional revenue for the center.

  • Orange County Convention Center, Orlando: The Orange County Convention Center has a digital signage system with over 200 displays throughout the facility. Their system includes interactive wayfinding maps, real-time event information, and directories. They also use digital signage to promote sponsors and vendors, generating additional revenue for the center.

In each of these examples, the convention centers considered essential factors such as the layout of the facility, the needs of attendees and exhibitors, and potential revenue streams before implementing digital signage. They also ensured their systems were easy to use and visually appealing, providing a better experience for everyone involved.

Digital Signage is a Win-Win

Digital signage can be valuable to convention centers, generating revenue and enhancing the attendee experience. By providing a more dynamic and engaging way to display event information, digital signage can make event planning and management more efficient while creating new revenue streams.

Additionally, interactive signage can offer attendees a more personalized and interactive experience, leading to higher levels of engagement and satisfaction. Therefore, implementing a digital signage system is an important investment for convention centers.

Many conferences extend beyond a single day, with seminars and summits lasting for a week or more. These events typically have a detailed schedule that includes lecture presentations, Q&A sessions, debates, breaks, and photo sessions.

One effective way to communicate and update these schedules is by using meeting room digital signage. These displays can show the schedule and deliver notifications, highlight changes, showcase keynote speakers, and provide information about the conference rules.

Having this information readily available on digital signs can significantly improve attendee’s experiences.