
How To Use Digital Signage In Real Estate

Digital signage is fast-rising in many industries, and the real estate industry is not left out.

Using this digital technology, real estate companies can create strategic and eye-catching advertising campaigns to increase brand awareness, and in the long run, sales. However, advertising campaigns are not the only thing digital signage is suitable for in the real estate industry.

The real estate industry is taking advantage of the versatility of digital signage to explore other strategies that will maximize profit. Below, we have listed some of the best ways to use digital signage in the real estate industry.

Digital Signage and The Real Estate Industry

In research to prove that humans process visual data better, it was found that 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual. This is because the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text.

This is one of the many factors that explains why digital signage has become a massive success over the few years of being integrated into society as a mainstream technological solution.

Digital signage is an eye-catching type of signage. It is appealing and attractive and encourages higher recall rates. In a world now dominated by screens and populated by people affiliated with screens, it is not surprising that digital signage was an immediate success upon implementation in several industries.

Digital signage uses digital screens like LED, LCD, and projectors to display unique video, pictures, text, and web page content. It is a giant leap from traditional static signage and yields many benefits.

Like many other industries, the real estate industry integrates digital signage into its business operations. However, this implementation is often almost always concentrated in the advertising portion of the industry.

Real estate companies, like other companies, have a lot to gain from appealing digital signage to draw attention to their business. With this powerful tool, real estate companies can improve brand awareness while slashing the cost of advertising campaigns.

After all, unlike static signage, digital signage is easy to update to convey real-time information without printing costs or constant set-up costs (as with static billboards). However, advertising is not the only way real estate companies can use digital signage. So, what are these other creative methods?

From listing available properties to increasing professionalism by offering virtual tours, below are some of the best ways real estate companies can use digital signage in their businesses.

How Real Estate Businesses Use Digital Signage

Are you planning to implement digital signage in your real estate business? Some ways you can do this include:

1. Virtual Open House

As a real estate agent, the practical action to take when trying to sell any property is to show them to a client. By offering the property to the client, you can convince them to make the purchase and seal the deal.

Open houses are often held on the property that is up for sale. By organizing an open house, real estate agents can give their potential client's a tour of the property and show them the necessary features.

But is visiting the property necessary? Real estate businesses harness the captivating power of digital signage to make property sales easier, more streamlined, and more convenient for the agent and potential property buyers.

Digital signage is often used to display pictures, videos, text, and even web pages. This content can be manipulated to be personalized for the viewers. This exactly makes digital signage the perfect option to offer virtual property tours.

Instead of getting your potential clients to visit the property physically (something that might not be convenient due to their schedules or the property’s location), real estate businesses can tour the properties right from the audience.

With the right video content, real estate businesses can show potential clients every feature, angle, and part of a property without them having to set foot on it. These tours are in 3D and can be manipulated to be interactive so guests can go through the process as they wish. This increases the personalized experience.

Digital signage is a great way to save time and increase professionalism. In the end, it is a win-win situation.

2. Display Reviews and Testimonials

A survey showed that product reviews are an essential source of information for potential customers to support their buying decision. It offers social proof that increases a business’s credibility and makes potential clients trust the seller more.

When potential clients visit a real estate business, they have not made up their minds about wanting to purchase a property from that business. They will most likely visit more real estate agents before picking a property they like. There is also a chance that they will like a property a real estate business offers but will not purchase or simply because they do not trust the business enough.

Digital signage solves this problem by providing a medium for real estate businesses to display their previous client's reviews and testimonials. It offers potential clients a front-seat view of how previous clients view the business’s service.

Using digital signage to display client reviews and testimonials goes a long way in convincing first-time clients to trust your real estate business enough to purchase a property from you. Customer reviews are undoubtedly one of the most effective social proof companies can have.

All you need to do is display pictures or videos of client reviews, or show real-time displays of reviews on your website and social media platform for more authenticity. This latter option is also a subtle means of encouraging social media growth, as potential clients will most likely visit your pages to see more reviews.

3. Display Property Listings

Help your properties stand out with digital signage. In many real estate businesses, the organization offers property for sale using traditional signs. This includes fliers, posters, and billboards.

Although these items serve their purpose, their effectiveness cannot be compared to that offered by digital signage. Traditional property listings feature nothing but pictures, graphics, and customized texts. They are static and do not offer a more immersive experience past what they are designed to display.

Digital signage property listing tools, on the other hand, offer real estate organizations the opportunity to display a more immersive, appealing, and impressive list of available properties.

Digital signage is a one-time investment that is more versatile than the static option. Unlike static signage, updating property listings on digital signage is easier. You can update available properties or prices on the listing without overhauling the entire display.

With property listing display technology, it can help properties stand out with appealing pictures, videos, and graphics. The best part of it all is undoubtedly the fact that you can display more than one listing and quite several features of the properties listed without problem.

Static signs are often ignored and quickly forgotten compared to their digital counterparts. Conversely, digital signage makes it easier to grab attention (up to 400 percent more views than static signage) and, with a recall rate of more than 83 percent, ensures the property a real estate business lists is not quickly forgotten.

4. Marketing and Promotion

Marketing and promotion are two of the most basic uses of digital signage across many businesses. Why not take advantage of the marketing benefits that digital signage offers and integrate it to make more sales?

Digital signage is often used in many retail businesses and large organizations as part of an excellent marketing tool. However, admittedly, the real estate business is more cut-throat than the retail business. But does that mean digital signage is not suitable for the real estate business?

The short answer is no. Digital signage can be integrated into a business’s marketing campaign as long as it is done correctly. This is why this powerful technology is perfect for promotions in any real estate establishment.

There are many interesting ways to use digital signage for real estate marketing. From videos to pictures, texts, and social media integration, you can create branded and unique content targeted at your potential clients.

To advertise your real estate agent business, all you need to do is strategically place a digital screen outside your real estate to display your content to foot traffic. You can also install digital signage within your real estate agency to display promotional information like available discounts, loyalty discounts, and more.

5. Display Upcoming Events

As a real estate agency with limited ways to reach potential clients, it can become challenging to update people on upcoming events. If you don’t even know who your potential clients are, how can you get the word out about your events and upcoming meetups?

Digital signage bridges the gap by offering real estate agencies a medium to communicate with potential clients using engaging, attention-grabbing visuals. When placed strategically, these signs will inform your clients about upcoming events, keeping them in the know and ensuring that you can easily share information with them.

Since potential client's are not going to show up at your doorstep seeking information, digital signage allows you to offer the report without any obstacles.

6. Virtual Neighborhood Tour

Many times, before clients close a property purchase deal, they will want to see what the neighboorhood is like. What kind of houses are there? What are the streets like? What facilities are in the neighborhood?

As we described in the virtual open house option, sometimes clients are unable to visit a property physically. Hence, they cannot see the neighborhood. Does this mean you should lose a deal simply because your client needs to see the area before making a purchase? Absolutely not.

With digital signage, you can offer your clients an immersive experience of the area they are interested in through a screen. From aerial views to 3D tours of the neighborhood, you can showcase every feature of the area using high-quality pictures and videos.

What can you show with your digital sign? The short answer is anything you wish to! You can display an aerial view of the topography so they know what to expect. You can show the landmarks, the structures (such as schools, churches, and other recreational facilities, if any), shopping centers, and even nearby towns.

You can also use your digital sign to show fun facts about the neighborhood. Who knows? This might be your trick to close a sale.

7. Share Open House Schedules

Inform people about your open house events with digital signage. Although many real estate agents use static signs around properties up for sale to inform possibly interested passers-by about an upcoming open house event, this method is not always efficient.

Conversely, digital signage effectively gets attention, thanks to its sleek design. With eye-catching content, you can get people to notice your messages faster than with regular signage.

On these digital signs, you can display open-house dates. More importantly, you can easily update these dates whenever you like. Digital signage open house schedules are efficient and cost-effective. With them, you do not need to spend money or time printing static signs.

8. Show Previously Sold Properties

Show potential client's that you can provide amazing deals for equally amazing properties by displaying previously sold properties. Doing this shows your potential client your ‘track record’ of good deals.

These pictures and videos of closed properties are not only intriguing and engaging, but they also build the potential client’s confidence in you. With digital signage, you can show pictures and videos of these properties and even create a captivating slideshow for your client’s enjoyment.

Loop TV And The Real Estate

Digital signage solutions are used in different industries, and the results estate industry is not left out. As with any other industry, all you need is suitable digital signage software solutions.

Loop TV offers you the opportunity to optimize your real estate digital signage using high-quality content. With sophisticated real estate solutions, you can create attention-grabbing signs for your real estate business without any limitations.

More importantly, Loop TV helps you achieve this for free. With the free Loop media player, you get easy access to all free Loop TV digital signage and entertainment features.

To get started, sign up for a free media player on Loop TV.