
How to Increase Revenue with Hotel Digital Signage

Are you seeking new methods to maximize your hotel's revenue and occupancy? Investing in digital signage may be the solution.

You won't have to make any drastic changes to your infrastructure or operations; modern cloud-based digital signage allows you to manage and enhance guest information, promotions, and third-party advertising with a single, easy-to-use content management system.

The average profit margin for a hotel is around 10-25%. Hotels with digital signage have reported 30-70% profit margins. With the hospitality industry constantly evolving, hotels are doing everything they can to stand out from the competition and create lasting impressions on their guests.

Hotel lobby digital signage is an effective way to do just that – engaging, entertaining, and informing arriving guests cost-efficiently. From large hotel chains to small boutique hotels, digital signage can distinguish between a forgettable welcome experience and a memorable one.

Investing in digital signage for your hotel is a wise choice to help ensure your hotel’s success and sustainability in the age of review-filled booking sites.

Ways Hotels Should Use Digital Signage To Improve Their Profitability

Digital signage is a powerful tool for hotel businesses looking to provide a consistently excellent guest experience, attract five-star reviews, keep customers coming back, and increase their average customer spend.

By using digital signage to its fullest potential, businesses can improve the quality of their customer experiences and maximize their profits. Here are just a few ways in which hotels can use digital signage to increase profitability:

1. Use Digital Signage to Highlight Products, Services, & Promotions

Whatever solutions you provide, whatever uniqueness your hotel offers, if customers are unaware of your products, services, and promotions, they won't pay for them. Flyers and banners are good, but in this day and age, they are not cost-effective.

Digital signage can give more promotional space than static displays, and be used to show customers the options your business can offer in a compelling way. Placing digital signage in the lobby will let customers know about all their options and promotions before they even check in.

2. Use Digital Signage to Display Targeted Messages

The flexibility of digital signage allows you to control the messages your visitors see and where and when they appear.

Amplifying the visibility of food/drink promotions, premium products, and services at the right time and place can help to boost their uptake. For instance, you can showcase premium beers when the dining service starts and promote after-dinner drinks as it draws to a close.

You can also highlight mid-week events/promotions during peak times, encouraging customers to come back more often.

3. Use Digital Signage to Improve the Ambiance

A well-decorated interior is essential to providing a pleasant atmosphere that customers will appreciate and return to. Refurbishment, however, can be pretty costly. Digital signage with high-quality visuals can help to keep spaces looking new and inviting, without requiring a hefty budget for a complete makeover.

4. Reduce Queues

Standing in a long line to talk to hotel/restaurant staff to get access to a room or table that has been pre-booked can be quite irritating for customers. You can use digital signage to register customers’ arrival and let them check in or see their table as they walk in.

You can even display an approximate timeframe to await their table/room. This allows them to make the most of their wait time, for example, by getting a drink at the bar.

When queuing is unavoidable, digital signage has been demonstrated to act as a diversion that decreases customers' perceived wait times, enhancing customer satisfaction.

5. Digitize Ordering

Interactive digital menus can help make ordering in busy restaurants and bars a much more streamlined experience. This is much more convenient for customers, while it also makes it easier for wait staff to handle orders quickly and efficiently, improving the quality of service.

It can be especially useful in large restaurants where some tables are in less visible spots and are difficult for wait staff to spot. Digitized menus can also lead to a higher staff retention rate, as orders are more likely to be accurate and processed quickly, reducing the chance of angry customers and increasing the likelihood of generous tipping.

6. Remove Language Barriers

For hospitality businesses serving customers whose first language isn't English, language barriers can create challenges in providing the highest level of service.

Hotels can use interactive digital signage to ensure that all customers receive the necessary information they may need regardless of their language. This signage allows customers to select their desired language for menus, check-in, or local information, eliminating the language barrier.

7. Wayfinding and Customer Information

Screens can provide a great advantage to larger hotels, allowing them to maximize the guest experience. Having digital maps throughout the building will enable guests to find their way around easily.

This signage can even display personalized info and access important information such as breakfast and check-in times. Furthermore, these screens can promote local attractions, making the hotel a destination in and of itself.

This can increase the likelihood of guests returning and give the hotel an edge over local Airbnb hosts, who may provide their guests with tips on nearby attractions.

8. Marketing Space

Digital signage provides an extensive and high-profile platform for businesses to advertise and promote their products and services. It is a fast and efficient way to deploy campaigns, as all that is required is to create video material, assign a schedule, and publish it.

Digital signage is becoming an increasingly popular tool for hotels to advertise their services and products. Not only does digital signage provide an interactive, eye-catching way to display information, but it also allows hotels to maximize their marketing efforts.

With digital signage, hotels can create custom messages and offers, promote packages, and showcase local attractions in a highly visible way. Some examples of screens that can work for digital signage include consumer-grade TVs, commercial-grade screens, video walls, LED panels, tablets, digital signage kiosks, vertical displays, and even billboards.

9. Add New Revenue Streams

Digital signage provides hospitality businesses with a large amount of promotional space, as we said, but it also presents an opportunity to generate new revenue streams by selling advertising space to third parties. This allows for increased consumer spending and a greater chance for success.

10. Display Prices

Hotels, restaurants, and bars must make their prices visible to comply with the law. However, using low-cost printed materials can harm the brand image. Higher-quality printed materials can take more time and cost more money.

Hotels use digital signage as a cost-effective and engaging way to share information with guests. Digital signage can be used to promote packages, deals, and services, as well as to display prices and generate revenue.

Some digital signage systems can be connected to an EPOS (electronic point of sale). This allows prices to be updated automatically, making it easy to keep prices synchronized.

11. Brand Consistency

Hotels must stay at the forefront of the trends as the hospitality industry continues to evolve. Hotels can do this by utilizing digital signage for brand consistency. Digital signage solutions offer a variety of benefits, from increasing customer engagement to promoting brand recognition.

If a customer has a negative experience at a hotel or restaurant that belongs to a chain, they are unlikely to visit any other venues from that chain. Each venue must be held to the same standards to ensure this doesn't happen.

Digital signage effectively ensures that all customers see the same high-quality branding visuals and messages in each location, thus promoting consistency across the chain.

12. Instant Feedback

By using interactive screens, hotels can encourage their guests to give feedback on their services. With customer feedback, staff can quickly address and remedy any issues, limiting the chances of customers leaving negative reviews. This gives them the power to turn a potentially bad experience into a positive one.

13. Audience Engagement

Hotels can use digital signage to engage customers. They can achieve this by displaying up-to-date information about the hotel. This information can be nearby attractions, restaurants, and events for customers to explore, and social media feed widgets to encourage customers to stay updated on the hotel's latest news.

Others include allowing guests to request hotel services like room service and spa treatments directly from the digital signage, and leveraging video content such as video greetings, product tutorials, and sneak peeks to engage customers and create a personal experience.

14. Let your Guests Check Themselves In

Utilizing digital signage technology to enable guests to check themselves into your hotel is an excellent way to drive ROI. To make it happen, you'll need the right digital display boards.

This could range from large touchscreen screens to tablets, computer monitors, and more. Not only does this free up your staff's time, but it also allows them to get more done in other areas of your business without paying them more.

15. Display Creative Wall Art

Using digital signage in your hotel is a great way to display important information. Combine this informative content with visually appealing wall art to create a captivating atmosphere for your guests.

Not only will your digital signages add a unique touch to your restaurant, bar, or cafeteria, but they will also help improve your hotel guests' overall experience.

Powerful Hotel Digital Signage Ideas

Hotel digital signage is an incredibly powerful tool to help your hotel stand out from the competition and connect with guests. With digital signage, you can easily showcase your hotel amenities, promote special offers, and give guests access to helpful information.

Let us now explore some of the most potent hotel digital signage ideas you can use to create an unforgettable guest experience.

1. Welcome Message

The first 10 minutes of your customer's experience are critical to making a great impression. To ensure a warm welcome, you can greet them at the hotel reception desk when they check-in.

Many bookings these days are online, and with automatic check-in systems installed, you can have their name displayed on a digital signage screen in less than a minute. You can still enter their names in real time even if you don't have prior information about your guests.

2. Social Media Walls

Adding a social media wall to your hotel lobby is an excellent way to boost your digital signage and attract customers. Live updates from different social media channels can engage customers and create social proof for your services.

Furthermore, displaying the user-generated content with your hashtag or mentions from Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook shows potential guests what people say about your hospitality services.

3. Entertaining Videos

If you want to entertain guests or customers in your hotel lobby, digital signage with cool videos or sweet music videos can be the perfect solution. From travel blogs to movie trailers, the possibilities are endless. You can use Loop TV to stream over 200 fully-licensed music and non-music content channels, as well as customizable digital signage.

4. Digital Concierge

The hospitality industry is quickly adapting to the digital age. Utilizing a virtual concierge is a great way to allow your guests to connect with the local community. Hotel digital signage solutions can provide up-to-date information in real-time.

With custom-designed virtual concierge image galleries in the lobbies, you can significantly improve your guest experience. Photo slideshows, hotel dining and amenities, and useful information for guests can all be featured on digital signage for a high return on investments.

With these tools, you can create an extraordinary experience for your guests. You can get more ideas from this post about 5 Ways to Use Digital Signage in Hotels. By using digital signage, you can draw attention to your hotel business and create a buzz on social media.

Take advantage of this opportunity and select a suitable display tool for your hotel. Showcase user-generated content and pertinent information to motivate your guests to engage more with your hotel's digital signage. With this, you can promote your business and expand its reach.