
5 Examples Of Digital Signage For Dispensaries

As a growing business sector, dispensaries enjoy a lot of benefits from implementing digital signage in their establishments. Like many other businesses that include digital display as an innovative technology tool, dispensaries use digital signage displays as a medium for growth.

The unlikeliness of finding a digital signage display in a dispensary makes many people ignorant of the full effects digital signage has on dispensaries. Below, we have provided five examples of digital signage for dispensaries.

Digital Signage In Dispensaries

From time, dispensaries have been no more than an apothecary that dispenses medication, medical supplies, and in most cases, dental supplies. However, as the industry matures, dispensaries have outgrown many of these smaller functions and have become a significant part of our society.

The popularity of dispensaries might also have been notably affected by the move of many states in the U.S.A. to legalize the recreational use of cannabis.

It is no secret that amongst many drugs being sold in dispensaries, cannabis or flower as it is often called, remains one of the most purchased products. With cannabis now legal in 19 states, dispensaries are no doubt enjoying a moment in the spotlight.

However, this isn’t about cannabis. This is about how a growing sector is beginning to utilize one significant tool technology has birthed; digital signage.

Digital signage is everywhere today. When you walk in a gym, mall, or even the train station, you will undoubtedly encounter a digital sign so attractive you will almost automatically turn to look at it.

Digital signage is no longer a big shot technological tool that is left to the bigger companies in the business sectors. Digital signage has become an affordable mainstream tool that any business can easily integrate into its organization.

Like other businesses, dispensaries have recognized three benefits they stand to gain from using digital signage. Now that they can operate legally, dispensaries can now adopt digital signage as a tool to maximize their growing customer base.

With an increase in demand and an equal increase in popularity, dispensaries are quickly employing digital signage in an effort to become a successful venture. Below, we have provided five examples of digital signage in a dispensary.

5 Examples Of Digital Signage In A Dispensary

Digital signage might be a mainstream choice for entertainment and advertisement but they serve more uses in a dispensary.

Dispensaries may be growing in popularity and acceptance but they remain relatively new to the business sector. Implementing digital signage is an excellent way to build a positive brand image while catering to growing demand. Some ways digital signage is used in dispensaries include:

1. Digital Menu Boards

Many dispensaries today use paper fliers and menu boards to communicate the items in sale and the price of the items. Although these traditional methods have served their purpose for many years, they are obsolete and do not positively impact a dispensary’s brand image.

Digital menu boards are easily the most common digital signage application in dispensaries. Digital menu boards are simply electrical display menus using colorful graphics and characters.

Digital menu boards provide several advantages over paper menu boards. Some of these advantages include:

Eye Catching

Digital menu boards are a more attractive type of menu board. Although paper menus get the job done, they are static, basic, and can easily be missed by your customers.

With digital signage, you can use pictures, videos, and texts to create a dynamic menu board to communicate the items on your menu. Digital signage provides a medium to create a more attractive design that will easily be noticed by clients who walk into the store.

Adding eye-catching visuals to a basic menu blueprint is a great way to indirectly influence a consumer’s purchasing decision and drive sales in your dispensary.

Saves Money

When a dispensary uses paper menus, making updates on the inventory can be expensive and wasteful. It will often require the dispensary owner to dispose of the outdated menu and order a new printout of the new menu. This process requires not only time and effort but also money for the printing and probably delivery.

Digital dispensary menus change the game by providing an easier and cheaper means for dispensaries to change their menu any time they wish. At the tap of a button, dispensaries can quickly update their menu boards at no extra charge.


Digital signage menu boards are convenient tools that can be updated at will. Do you need to tweak the price of a product? Done. Do you need to take a product off the menu? You can achieve this in a few minutes.

Digital signage takes away the hassle of managing static menus by providing a seamless platform to create and customize your menu at will.

2. Promotion And Special Offers Board

Digital signage is a great way for dispensaries to communicate time-sensitive information line promotions and special offers.

Using integrated design tools that combine the power of pictures, videos, and texts, dispensaries can design attractive indoor ads. This includes discounts on available items, creating a fear of missing out on their clients.

It has the potential to astronomically improve revenue by influencing clients’ purchasing decisions and driving more sales.

Using high-quality imagery provided by digital signage is a great way to elicit interest concerning your offers and loyalty programs, making digital signage instrumental in the transactional process in any dispensary.

Digital signage can be used to display these promotional offers both inside and outside the dispensary, ensuring many people are aware of the offers. Doing this is an excellent way to leverage digital signage to attract customers and drive sales in a dispensary.

3. Entertainment

Although it might seem unlikely, entertainment is a big deal in a dispensary. Like every other B2C (business to customer) business, entertainment plays a significant role in the success of a dispensary.

Dispensaries often deal with waiting customers. These customers are either waiting for an order or waiting to be attended to for a different purpose.

Regardless of the reason they are being kept waiting, one thing is certain, people do not like to be kept on hold. Keeping them on hold means they continue to grow disgruntled the longer they wait. Long waiting times result in unhappy clients with decreased customer satisfaction and a wrong impression of your business brand.

Digital signage makes it easier to handle customer waiting time by providing a medium to display eye-catching and engaging infotainment to keep clients distracted as they wait. With digital signage, dispensaries can display fun content like news, fashion shows, movie trailers, funny fails, and customized content that clients will find interesting.

While this does nothing to reduce the waiting time, it decreases a client’s perception of how long they are kept waiting. With the right kind of engaging content, a 30-minute wait can seem no more than 15 minutes.

Shortening a client’s perception of time as they wait is an excellent way to keep them satisfied with your service and provide maximum customer experience.

4. FAQs Display

Digital signage can be used to help clients make informed decisions concerning their purchases. Drugs, cannabis or not, can be recipes for dilemmas when not handled properly. This can be harmful to the clients and can put your dispensary in bad lighting.

Dispensaries can use digital signage as an educational system to inform clients about important information concerning products and medication like cannabis. Since there is an increase in cannabis use thanks to its legalization, consumers can gain a lot from simple educating digital displays that tell them everything they need to know about cannabis.

Word of mouth is often thought to be a great way to communicate crucial information but the truth is that visual information is more effective than any other kind. This means if a client sees visual information, they are most likely to remember it.

Rather than relying on word of mouth, it is a better idea to provide a more effective means of educating your clients through a FAQs display.

A FAQ display is a digital signage display used to show frequently asked questions and answers concerning particular medications and strains of weed. It introduces an element of unconscious education into a dispensary. Customers are learning but they have no idea that they are learning.

FAQ boards help clients to make better-informed choices than they normally would, taking them one step closer to remaining safe. As a seller, it is your responsibility to educate your clients on your products and digital signage provides the best opportunity and platform to do so.

With your FAQ board, you can also make recommendations that can help your clients, contributing to a healthy society.

5. Social Media Screens

Digital signage can be used to increase social media engagement. Social media is an integral part of today’s society, and leveraging digital signage to increase social media engagement for brand recognition on the internet.

Digital signage provides a medium to merge real life and social media by providing a platform to display your social media activities to your walk-in clients. With digital signage, you can display your social media activities like posts, story posts, polls, and comments for walk-in customers to see.

This provides social proof that increases trust and loyalty in your walk-in customers to see. It also increases your social media engagement because other customers will be inspired to also engage with your posts and join the buzz online.

With digital signage social screens, you get more followers on your social media accounts and in real life too!

Doing More With Loop TV

Loop TV provides dispensaries with an opportunity to leverage digital signage and entertainment in their businesses.

Loop TV is a business entertainment and digital signage TV that bridges the gap between businesses and digital signage. Loop TV offers over one hundred music video and audio channels and many unique digital signage features to enjoy sophisticated digital solutions.

Loop TV is a free and fully licensed TV that requires no royalties and subscription fees for use. The media player and corresponding software services are free for use for any business.

Because Loop TV is supported by premium ads that run every 10 minutes on average, Loop TV users gain a lot from simply using its services. As a Loop TV user, you run ad-supported channels for 8 hours a day for a full month, Loop TV will give you a reward that you can redeem for pre-paid Visa cards, gift cards, or even donations to charity.

With Loop TV, you can entertain, inform, and earn money while providing your business with the best digital signage services.